Copy and paste the following function into your script editor:
cvs did not work, file- download- and open file excel did not work, the formulas do not carry over? trying to use google finance price change updates for daily stock prices and formulas for average daily change. Unfortunately, there are no methods for directly converting the range in Google Spreadsheet as an image data in the built-in functions. I found a Google Sheets file that contains a script. To do this, youll just need an active Google Drive Spencer Hill. Sheets comes with a built-in app development platform called “Apps Script”. Never re-type tabular data cell-by-cell again! Now you can use Snip to convert tables in PDFs or images into Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, Numbers, or any other spreadsheet software. You can convert spreadsheet PDFs to XML with that tool by pressing the Choose file button.
Google script convert google sheet to excel